Hyde Park Picnic

In the Hudson valley, in 1939,
President Roosevelt was planning to dine.
He was having a picnic, for the king,
hot dogs were something they chose to bring.
King George and his wife Elizabeth,
simply loved the hot dogs to death.
The queen ate her hot dog with fork and knife,
The king ate it by hand, unlike his wife.
At the time, there was anti-British sentiment,
so this historic picnic was no accident.
Europe was on the verge of war again,
so Roosevelt created a picnic to attend.
The king tried hot dogs, and asked for more,
courtesy of Franklin and Eleanor,
Three months later England declared war,
and the U.S joined them on the shore.
The Americans and British did not bond before,
but they became allies on a military tour.
Who would’ve been able to predict,
that Roosevelt would create a famous picnic.

Mark Hudson